Overall, the Ringo is a good quality butt plug although the design misses the mark with a few points could be improved:
- Total length is pretty tall; almost too tall, really, and I find it difficult to, say, comfortably sit. This length could be reduced a little bit by changing the rather meager tip without sacrificing any of the other overall great things about the shape. It's just too "pointy" and seems unnecessary for those looking for advanced sizes anyway.
- The tapering portion from tip to max bulge seems too gradual (again, overall length at the pointy tip could be reduced in order to alleviate this).
- Firmness: Excellent! Silicone is my favorite material for a butt plug and the really soft ones pose a challenge for insertion. I prefer firmer plugs, even for extended wear, and Tantus does an A+ job at that.
- The neck is outstanding! It's girthy and really drives home the feeling of being stuffed. A slightly higher max-bulge-to-neck ratio would be better though for keeping this plug in place as well as promoting extended wear.
Looking for an advanced sized everyday use butt plug? I'd recommend others before the Ringo (personally I'd go with the A-Bomb).
Want a butt plug to pop in during sex, or for otherwise shorter durations, one that'll leave you feeling more stuffed than a Thanksgiving turkey? Look no further because you're on the right product page!