The team at Tantus is in celebration after hearing the announcements of the Fifth Annual AVN “O” Awards, naming Tantus’ Connoisseur Harness Collection as the Most Outstanding Product Accessory Line of the Year.
The team at Tantus is in celebration after hearing the announcements of the Fifth Annual AVN “O” Awards, naming Tantus’ Connoisseur Harness Collection as the Most Outstanding Product Accessory Line of the Year.
“The Tantus Connoisseur Harnesses Line has helped in the development and innovation of strap-on harness play and I’m so glad I was able to help make that happen. These harnesses are really unlike anything on the market; comfortable to wear, fashion-forward, and extremely sexy and sensual. Winning our first O Award just feels so good.”
Made for optimal comfort and fit, the Tantus Connoisseur Harness Line consists of five opulently designed, high-quality leather harnesses, consisting of profound elements regarding functionality, comfort, and performance. Tantus is yet again, sticking it to the man.
For additional information on the Tantus Connoisseur Harness Line visit www.tantusinc.com/resourcecenter